Source code for rain.client.input

from .data import DataObject, DataType, to_dataobj
from .task import Task

[docs]class InputBase: dataobj = None label = None path = None load = None data_type = None content_type = None def __init__(self, label=None, path=None, dataobj=None, load=None, content_type=None, write=False): assert self.data_type is not None if label is not None and not isinstance(label, str): raise Exception("Label has to be string, not {!r}".format(label)) self.label = label if path is None: if label: path = label else: path = "input_{}".format(id(self)) self.path = path if dataobj is not None: dataobj = to_dataobj(dataobj) if dataobj.spec.data_type != self.data_type: raise Exception( "Input exects data type {}, but provided data object has type {}" .format(self.data_type, dataobj.spec.data_type)) self.dataobj = dataobj self.load = load self.content_type = content_type self.write = write def __repr__(self): args = [] if self.path: args.append("path={}".format(self.path)) if self.dataobj: args.append("data={}".format(self.dataobj)) return "<Input '{}'>".format(self.label, " ".join(args)) @classmethod def _for_data_object(cls, do): assert isinstance(do, DataObject) if do.spec.data_type == DataType.BLOB: c = Input else: assert do.spec.data_type == DataType.DIRECTORY c = InputDir return c(label=do.spec.label, dataobj=do, content_type=do.content_type) @classmethod def _for_program(cls, inp, label=None, execute=False, label_as_path=False): """ Create `Input` from `Input`, `DataObject`, `Task` (single output) or `str` for `Program` or `execute`. """ inp0 = inp if isinstance(inp, str): inp = Input(inp) if isinstance(inp, Task): inp = inp.output if isinstance(inp, DataObject): inp = Input._for_data_object(inp) if not isinstance(inp, InputBase): raise TypeError("Object {!r} cannot be used as input".format(inp0)) if inp.label is None: inp.label = label if inp.label is None: raise ValueError("Program/execute Inputs need `label`") if inp.load is not None: raise ValueError("Program/execute Inputs do not accept `load`.") if execute and inp.dataobj is None: raise(ValueError("`execute` Inputs need `dataobj`")) if not execute and inp.dataobj is not None: raise(ValueError("`Program` Inputs can't have `dataobj`")) if execute and inp.path is None: if label_as_path: inp.path = inp.label else: inp.path = "in_{}_{}".format(inp.label,[1]) return inp
[docs]class Input(InputBase): data_type = DataType.BLOB
[docs]class InputDir(InputBase): data_type = DataType.DIRECTORY