Source code for rain.client.pycode

import base64
import contextlib
import inspect
import time
from collections import OrderedDict

import cloudpickle

from ..common import RainException, RainWarning
from .data import blob
from .input import Input
from .output import OutputSpec
from .session import get_active_session
from .task import Task


# Base name of current argument and growing list of input data objects
# while Py task arguments are pickled.
# `[arg_base_name, counter, inputs_list, input_prototype]`
_global_pickle_inputs = None

def _pickle_inputs_context(name, inputs, input_prototype):
    """Context manager to store current argument name and growing input
    objects list while Py task arguments are unpickled. Internal, not
    thread safe, not reentrant."""
    global _global_pickle_inputs
    assert _global_pickle_inputs is None
    _global_pickle_inputs = [name, 0, inputs, input_prototype]
        _global_pickle_inputs = None

def _checked_cloudpickle(d, name=None):
    """Perform cloudpickle.dumps and issue a warning if the result is
    unexpectedly big (PICKLE_ARG_SIZE_LIMIT) or it takes too
    long (PICKLE_ARG_TIME_LIMIT)."""
    t0 = time.clock()
    p = cloudpickle.dumps(d)
    if len(p) > PICKLE_ARG_SIZE_LIMIT:
        raise RainWarning("Pickled object {} length {} > PICKLE_ARG_SIZE_LIMIT={}. "
                          "Consider using a blob() for the data."
                          .format(name or '<unknown>', len(d), PICKLE_ARG_SIZE_LIMIT))
    if time.clock() - t0 > PICKLE_ARG_TIME_LIMIT:
        raise RainWarning("Pickling object {} took {} s > PICKLE_ARG_TIME_LIMIT={}. "
                          "Consider using a blob() for the data."
                          .format(name or '<unknown>', len(d), PICKLE_ARG_TIME_LIMIT))
    return p

def _checked_cloudpickle_to_string(d, name=None):
    """Same as _changed_pickle but encodes result to base64 string"""
    return base64.b64encode(_checked_cloudpickle(d, name)).decode("ascii")

[docs]def remote(*, outputs=None, inputs=(), auto_load=None, auto_encode=None, name=None, cpus=1): "Decorator for :py:class:`Remote`, see the documentation there." def make_remote(fn): if not inspect.isfunction(fn): raise RainException( "remote() arg {!r} is not a function".format(fn)) return Remote(fn, outputs=outputs, inputs=inputs, auto_load=auto_load, auto_encode=auto_encode, name=name, cpus=cpus) return make_remote
[docs]class Remote: # The function to run remotely fn = None # OutputSpec for output data objects outputs = None # Dict of named argument Input specs, including args and kwargs inputs = None def __init__(self, fn, *, inputs=None, outputs=None, auto_load=False, auto_encode=None, name=None, cpus=1): self.fn = fn code = self.fn.__code__ self.cpus = cpus if name is None: self.default_name = fn.__name__ else: self.default_name = name if 'return' in fn.__annotations__: assert outputs is None outputs = fn.__annotations__['return'] elif outputs is None: outputs = 1 self.outputs = OutputSpec(outputs=outputs) for o in self.outputs.outputs: if o.encode is None: o.encode = auto_encode self.inputs = {} for name in code.co_varnames: if name in inputs: assert name not in self.fn.__annotations__ inp = inputs[name] elif name in self.fn.__annotations__: inp = self.fn.__annotations__[name] else: inp = Input(label=name) assert isinstance(inp, Input) if inp.load is None: inp.load = auto_load self.inputs[name] = inp def __call__(self, *args, output=None, outputs=None, name=None, session=None, **kwargs): # TODO(gavento): Use Input()s arguments if session is None: session = get_active_session() if name is None: task_name = self.default_name else: task_name = name # cache the code in a static blob fn_blob = session._static_data.get(self.fn) if fn_blob is None: d = _checked_cloudpickle(self.fn, self.fn.__name__) fn_blob = blob(d, self.fn.__name__, content_type="cloudpickle") fn_blob.keep() session._static_data[self.fn] = fn_blob input_objs = [fn_blob] # Check the parameter compatibility for fn # Note that the first arg is the context sig = inspect.signature(self.fn) sig.bind(None, *args, **kwargs) code = self.fn.__code__ # Pickle positional args pickled_args = [] for i, argval in enumerate(args): if i < code.co_argcount - 1: name = code.co_varnames[i + 1] input_proto = self.inputs[name] else: args_name = code.co_varnames[code.co_argcount + code.co_kwonlyargcount] name = "{}[{}]".format(args_name, i + 1 - code.co_argcount) input_proto = self.inputs[args_name] # Within this session state, the DataObjects are seialized as # executor.unpickle_input_object call assert isinstance(input_proto, Input) with _pickle_inputs_context(name, input_objs, input_proto): d = _checked_cloudpickle_to_string(argval, name=name) pickled_args.append(d) # Pickle keyword args pickled_kwargs = OrderedDict() for name, argval in kwargs.items(): input_proto = self.inputs[code.co_varnames[-1]] # Within this session state, the DataObjects are seialized as # executor.unpickle_input_object call with _pickle_inputs_context(name, input_objs, input_proto): d = _checked_cloudpickle_to_string(argval, name=name) pickled_kwargs[name] = d # create list of Output objects and DO instances output_objs = self.outputs.instantiate( output=output, outputs=outputs, session=session) task_config = { 'args': pickled_args, 'kwargs': pickled_kwargs, 'encode_outputs': self.outputs.encode, } return Task(input_objs, output_objs, task_type="py/", config=task_config, cpus=self.cpus, session=session, name=task_name)