Source code for rain.client.task

from .session import get_active_session
from .data import DataObject, to_dataobj
from .output import OutputBase
from ..common import RainException, ID, LabeledList
from ..common.attributes import TaskSpec, TaskSpecInput

import traceback

_task_type_register = {}

class TaskMeta(type):
    """A metaclass to register all subclasses of Task in `_task_type_register`."""
    def __new__(meta, name, bases, clsdict):
        global _task_type_register
        cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, clsdict)
        task_type = cls.TASK_TYPE
        if task_type is not None:
            _task_type_register[task_type] = cls
        return cls

[docs]class Task(metaclass=TaskMeta): """ A task instance in the task graph. `__init__` creates a single task instance, inserts it into `Session` and assigns it an `ID`. Creates output `DataObject` instances based on `outputs` given. `Task` is commonly created by functions in `rain.client.tasks`, or task builders created by `Remote` or `Program`. Always belongs to a `Session` and has a valid `ID`. You may wish to call it explicitely (or subclass it) when creating your own task-types. Particular task types are not realized via subclasses but with string `task_type` attribute. (Subclassing may be introduced later.) The task state is *not* automatically updated by the server. The state and attributes are updated on `Task.update()`, `Task.fetch()` and `Task.wait()`. Args: task_type (`str`): Task-type name known to rain governors. config: Any task-specific config. inputs (`LabeledList` or sequence): Sequence of `Input` or `DataObject`. outputs (`LabeledList` or sequence): Specification of `Output`\ s for the task. session (`Session` or `None`): Session to create the task in. If not specified, the current `Session` is used. cpus (`int`): Number of cpus. Attributes: id (`ID`): Auto-assigned task ID. inputs (`LabeledList[DataObject]`): Input objects. outputs (`LabeledList[DataObject]`): Output objects created by the task. output (`DataObject`): Shortcut for `outputs[0]`. Raises Exception on multiple outputs. spec (`TaskSpec`): Task specification data. info (`TaskInfo`): Task state information on last update. state (`TaskState` enum): Task state on last update. stack (str): Text description of stack when task was created, used for debug messages """ TASK_TYPE = None # State of object # None = Not submitted _state = None _stack = None def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, *, config=None, session=None, task_type=None, cpus=1, name=None, user_spec=None): self._spec = TaskSpec() self._info = None if session is None: session = get_active_session() self._session = session = session._register_task(self) assert isinstance(, ID) if task_type is not None: self._spec.task_type = task_type else: if self.TASK_TYPE is None: raise ValueError( "Provide {}.TASK_TYPE or task_type=... information." .format(self.__class__)) self._spec.task_type = self.TASK_TYPE if config is not None: self._spec.config = config if name is not None: = name if cpus is not None: self._spec.resources['cpus'] = cpus def to_data_object(o): if isinstance(o, str): return DataObject(label=o, session=session) if isinstance(o, OutputBase): return o.create_data_object(session=session) if isinstance(o, DataObject): return o raise TypeError("Only `OutputBase`, `DataObject` and `str` allowed as outputs.") if outputs is None: outputs = () elif isinstance(outputs, int): outputs = tuple(DataObject(session=session) for i in range(outputs)) else: outputs = tuple(to_data_object(obj) for obj in outputs) self._outputs = LabeledList(pairs=((output._spec.label, output) for output in outputs)) self._spec.outputs = [ for o in self._outputs] input_pairs = [] for input in inputs: if isinstance(input, tuple): label, inp = input input_pairs.append((label, to_dataobj(inp))) else: input_pairs.append((None, to_dataobj(input))) self._inputs = LabeledList(pairs=input_pairs) self._spec.inputs = [TaskSpecInput(, label=lab) for lab, i in self._inputs.items()] stack = traceback.extract_stack(None, 6) stack.pop() # Last entry is not usefull, it is actually line above self._stack = "".join(traceback.format_list(stack)) @property def id(self): """Getter for Task ID.""" return @property def name(self): return @property def state(self): """Getter for Task state on last update.""" return self._state @property def spec(self): """Getter for Task specification. Read only!""" return self._spec @property def info(self): """Getter for Task info on last update (`None` when never updated). Read only!""" return self._info @property def task_type(self): """Getter for task_type identifier.""" return self._spec.task_type @property def inputs(self): """Getter for inputs LabeledList. Read only!""" return self._inputs @property def outputs(self): """Getter for outputs LabeledList. Read only!""" return self._outputs @property def output(self): """Getter for the only output of the task. Fails if `len(self.outputs)!=1`.""" count = len(self.outputs) if count == 0 or count > 1: raise RainException("Task {!r} has no unique output (outputs={})" .format(self, count)) return self.outputs[0]
[docs] def keep_outputs(self): """Keep all output objects of the task.""" for output in self.outputs: output.keep()
[docs] def unkeep_outputs(self): """Unkeep all output objects of the task.""" for output in self.outputs: output.unkeep()
[docs] def fetch_outputs(self): """Fetch all outputs of the task. Returns: [`DataInstance`]: Fetched output data.""" return [output.fetch() for output in self.outputs]
[docs] def wait(self): """Wait for the task to complete. See `Session.wait()`.""" self._session.wait((self,))
[docs] def update(self): """Update task state and attributes. See `Session.update()`.""" self._session.update((self,))
def __repr__(self): return "<{} {}, inputs {}, outputs {}>".format( self.__class__.__name__,, self.spec.task_type, self.inputs, self.outputs) def __reduce__(self): """Speciaization to replace with executor.unpickle_input_object in Python task args while (cloud)pickling. Raises RainError when using task with `len(outputs) != 1` as a data object.""" from . import pycode if pycode._global_pickle_inputs is None: # call normal __reduce__ return super().__reduce__() return self.output.__reduce__()