Source code for rain.client.tasks

from .task import Task
from .data import to_dataobj
from .input import Input, InputBase
from .output import Output, OutputBase, OutputDir
from .data import DataObject
from ..common.data_type import DataType
from ..common.utils import short_str

import shlex

[docs]class Concat(Task): """ Creates a task concatenating the given data objects. """ TASK_TYPE = "buildin/concat" def __init__(self, inputs, *, name=None, session=None): super().__init__(inputs, 1, name=name, session=session)
[docs]class Sleep(Task): """ Task that forwards argument 'dataobj' after 'timeout' seconds. The type of resulting data object is the same as type of input data object This task serves for testing purposes. Args: input (`DataObject`): The object to pass through. timeout (`float`): Number of seconds to wait, converted to whole miliseconds. cpus (`int`): Number of CPUs to reserve, for testing purposes. """ TASK_TYPE = "buildin/sleep" def __init__(self, input, timeout, *, name=None, session=None, cpus=1): input = to_dataobj(input) otype = Output if input.spec.data_type == DataType.BLOB else OutputDir output = otype(content_type=input.content_type) # , size_hint=input.spec.size_hint) TODO: Add size_hint super().__init__( (input,), (output,), config=float(timeout), name=name, cpus=cpus, session=session)
[docs]class Load(Task): """ Load and output a file at the given path (at the worker). """ TASK_TYPE = "buildin/open" def __init__(self, path, output=None, *, name=None, session=None): if output is None: output = Output() output.expect_blob() super().__init__([], (output,), config={"path": path}, name=name, session=session)
[docs]class LoadDir(Task): """ Load and output a directory at the given path (at the worker). TODO: Implement """ TASK_TYPE = "buildin/open_dir" def __init__(self, path, output=None, *, name=None, session=None): if output is None: output = OutputDir() output.expect_dir() super().__init__([], OutputDir(), config={"path": path}, name=name, session=session)
[docs]class Store(Task): """ Store the given object (blob or directory) at the given path (at the worker). """ TASK_TYPE = "buildin/export" def __init__(self, input, path, *, name=None, session=None): super().__init__((input, ), 0, config={"path": path}, name=name, session=session)
[docs]class MakeDirectory(Task): """ Create a directory from other objects (blobs or other directories). Args: paths_objects: An iterable of pairs `(path, obj)` or a dictionary `{path: obj}` where `path` is the new relative path. Paths of some of the more directory object may be `''` or `'.'` to use them as the base directory. TODO: Specify behavior on overlapping subdirs/contents. """ TASK_TYPE = "buildin/make_directory" def __init__(self, paths_objects, *, name=None, session=None): if isinstance(paths_objects, dict): paths_objects = paths_objects.items() try: paths_objects = list(paths_objects) paths, inputs = zip(*paths_objects) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: raise TypeError("MakeDirectory needs an iterable of pairs " "`(path, obj)` or a dictionary `{path: obj}`") from e super().__init__( inputs, outputs=(OutputDir(),), config={"paths": paths}, name=name, session=session)
[docs]class SliceDirectory(Task): """Extract a file from a directory. Args: input (`DataObject`): A directory object to slice. path (`[str]`): An iterable of paths. If the path ends with a slash `'/'`, the output is a directory object, otherwise a file object is creates. output (`Output` or `OutputDir`): An optional output specification. """ TASK_TYPE = "buildin/slice_directory" def __init__(self, input, path, output=None, *, name=None, session=None): input = to_dataobj(input) input.expect_dir() if output is None: if path.endswith('/'): output = OutputDir(path) else: output = Output(path) if path.endswith('/'): output.expect_dir() else: output.expect_blob() super().__init__((input,), (output,), config={"path": path}, name=name, session=session)
[docs]class Execute(Task): """ A task executing a single external program with rich argument support. """ TASK_TYPE = "buildin/run" def __init__(self, args, stdout=None, stdin=None, input_paths=(), output_paths=(), shell=False, *, name=None, session=None, cpus=1): ins = [] outs = [] if stdout is not None: if stdout is True: stdout = "stdout" stdout = OutputBase._for_program(stdout, label="stdout", execute=True) # '+out' is the file name of where stdout is redirected stdout.path = "+out" outs.append(stdout) if stdin is not None: # '+in' is the file name of where stdin is redirected stdin = InputBase._for_program(stdin, label="stdin", execute=True) stdin.path = "+in" ins.append(stdin) ins += [InputBase._for_program(obj, execute=True, label_as_path=True) for obj in input_paths] outs += [OutputBase._for_program(obj, execute=True, label_as_path=True) for obj in output_paths] if isinstance(args, str): args = shlex.split(args) proc_args = [] for i, a in enumerate(args): argname = "arg{}".format(i) if isinstance(a, str): proc_args.append(a) elif isinstance(a, InputBase) or isinstance(a, DataObject) or isinstance(a, Task): arg = Input._for_program(a, execute=True, label=argname) ins.append(arg) proc_args.append(arg.path) elif isinstance(a, OutputBase): arg = OutputBase._for_program(a, execute=True, label=argname) outs.append(arg) proc_args.append(arg.path) else: raise Exception( "{}. argument is invalid, it has to be string, Input, or Output, not {}" .format(i, type(a))) if shell: proc_args = ("/bin/sh", "-c", " ".join(proc_args)) # proc_args = ("/bin/sh", "-c", " ".join(shlex.quote(a) for a in proc_args)) task_inputs = [obj.dataobj for obj in ins] task_outputs = [output.create_data_object() for output in outs] config = { "args": proc_args, "in_paths": [{"path": obj.path, "write": obj.write} for obj in ins], "out_paths": [obj.path for obj in outs]} super().__init__( task_inputs, task_outputs, cpus=cpus, config=config, name=name, session=session) def __repr__(self): return "<{} {}, inputs {}, outputs {}, cmd {!r}>".format( self.__class__.__name__,, self.inputs, self.outputs, short_str(self.spec.config["args"]))